Saturday, February 21, 2009

Combating the Winter Blues

Inside Ideas for You and Your Children

Do you have the case of the winter blues? Has spring fever set in, yet the frigid temperatures outside are keeping you and your children from enjoying the great outdoors? Here are some tips on how you and your “pure and honest” kids can cope with the last few weeks of winter.

1. Arts and Crafts= Hours of Fun!

Kids love to make art projects, so it’s time to get creative! Go to your local arts and crafts supply store and stock up on glue, construction paper, feathers, beads, child-friendly scissors, Popsicle sticks, and anything else that your child might be able to make into a masterpiece. No need to spend a lot of money on your art supplies. You can even use items you already have in your home, such as paper plates, dried pasta and empty milk cartons. You and your child will have a ball together while the time just flies by!

2. Books, Books and More Books!
On cold or rainy days, encourage your child’s mind to run wild with reading time! Create a corner in a room that is a special reading area. Choose a few books each day to read with your child and then act out different parts of the story. For instance, if the book is about camping, get some sheets or towels and make a tent with your child, and act out parts of the book. Your child will love it as you make the pages on the books come alive!

3. Become a Gourmet Chef!
Make mundane household tasks, such as making dinner, a fun activity for you and your child. Teach your children how to measure and mix ingredients and voila…dinner is served! You will have both a yummy meal ready for dinner and your child will feel special as your assistant chef! Also encourage your child to set the table for you. You can even allow them to even invite their favorite stuffed animals to have a pretend meal while you are waiting for your feast to finish.

4. Choose Your Own Adventure at Local Museums and Libraries!
Don’t forget about the resources you have where you live. Visit your local library, check out your county’s Parks and Recreation Centers for special indoor activities, and be sure to visit museums and play spaces suitable for your little ones. Many of these activities are free, and are a great way to beat the winter blues.

5. Games, Cards and Puzzles, Oh My!
Don’t forget old fashioned board games, card games and puzzles! Your children will light up as you teach them how to play “Go Fish,” Memory, Monopoly and more! And a challenging puzzle can certainly help keep winter boredom at bay! These are great activities you can do together as a family.

Now you are ready to tackle the rest of the winter season with these educational and fun activities suitable for the whole family! These tips from Pure and Honest Kids will hopefully help you cure the cold-weather blues!

Do you have any ideas to share on how to combat the winter blues? Post them in the comments section below.

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